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閱讀書籍 - 為什麼要受持五戒?(中英對照) 宣化上人著

為什麼要受持五戒?(中英對照) 宣化上人著


[日期:2010-07-28] 來源:網友上傳  作者:宣化上人著 如佛友覺得此書不錯,請按
◎ 不要做自己的辯護律師

◎ Don't act as your own defense attorney


Different people explain the same Buddhadharma in many different ways. Accordingly, the methods of cultivation are also different. Each person has his own interpretation. Therefore, there are many different viewpoints.

譬如真正修佛法的人,要不抽菸,不喝酒,不吃那麼多的肉。有的同是佛教裡面的人就說了:「佛講戒律教人不殺生,不 偷盜,不邪婬,不妄語,不喝酒,沒有叫人不抽菸,所以抽菸不在佛教的戒律以內。」這就是自己給自己講道理。根本抽菸的問題就在飲酒裡面,不過自己要給自己 做辯護律師,就說抽菸是不犯戒的。

For instance, true cultivators of Buddhadharma should not smoke, drink, or eat meat. But some Buddhists say, “The Buddha’s precepts prohibit people from killing, stealing, indulging in sexual misconduct, lying, or drinking. However, there’s no mention of smoking. Therefore, smoking is not included in the precepts.” This is a self-justification. Smoking is covered in the precept against drinking. They want to act as their own defense attorneys so they say smoking is not a violation of the precepts.


A person with true wisdom will not do anything improper. He will refrain from doing all manner of bad things, not just those mentioned in the precepts. We should change all our bad habits.

我們說不吃肉,不殺生,這個不殺生,也 包括了不吃肉;這個不吃肉,也包括了不殺生,因為你要不殺生就沒有肉吃了。有的佛教徒又說了﹕「佛沒教人不吃肉,只是教人不殺生。佛都允許人吃三淨肉-- 不見殺,不聞殺,不為我殺﹕吃三淨肉是可以的。」這也是自己口裡饞,捨不得這個肉味,所以這樣辯護。

Not killing includes not eating meat and not eating meat also includes not killing. That is because if we don’t kill, there will be no meat to eat. Some Buddhists say, “The Buddha prohibited people from killing, but not from eating meat. The Buddha allowed people to eat the meat that is pure in three ways: 1) One does not see the creature killed; 2) one does not hear the creature being killed; 3) the creature was not killed especially for oneself. Eating meat that is pure in these ways is permitted.” That is also a self-justification because the person basically cannot renounce meat.


I met a professor before who could not get by for one day without eating meat. He said, “Even the smell of meat would relieve my craving for it if I couldn’t get to taste it.” So you see, each person has his own ideas and views and they are all different.


In learning Buddhadharma, we must learn precepts, concentration, and wisdom.



Precepts help us to “refrain from all evil and do all good.” We refrain from doing whatever is bad, but we do all good things.

Concentration is the vigorous study of Chan meditation. Wisdom is the result of concentration, and concentration comes from upholding precepts. This is called the three non-outflow studies.


We must put an end to greed, hatred and delusion. Being free from greed, we will not fight. When we do not fight with others, we seek nothing. When we do not seek, we will be selfless. When we are selfless, we will not pursue personal advantage. All these are related. Studying Buddhadharma means following the teaching in a precise and honest manner. Don’t take chances and shortcuts, just cultivate honestly.
第1頁:不要錯過受五戒的機會 第2頁:什麼叫「居士」?
第3頁:什麼叫「五戒」? 第4頁:什麼叫「十善」?
第5頁:什麼叫「綺語」? 第6頁:十善是什麼?
第7頁:必須向出家人求戒 第8頁:佛教徒要守持的根本戒律
第9頁:可不可以抽菸? 第10頁:受五戒的重要性
第11頁:學佛法沒有什麼利益? 第12頁:不受戒是真「自由」嗎?
第13頁:破戒怎麼辦? 第14頁:老修行的故事
第15頁:文殊菩薩的寶珠 第16頁:不要做自己的辯護律師
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