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閱讀書籍 - 為什麼要受持五戒?(中英對照) 宣化上人著

為什麼要受持五戒?(中英對照) 宣化上人著


[日期:2010-07-28] 來源:網友上傳  作者:宣化上人著 如佛友覺得此書不錯,請按
◎ 學佛法沒有什麼利益?

◎ Is there no benefit in studying the Buddhadharma?


“I have studied, investigated, and listened to the Buddhadharma for a long, long time and I have not gained any benefit!” What benefit do you want? In fact, you have gained great benefit without knowing it. What kind of benefit have you gained?


When you study Buddhadharma here, you aren't out murdering people. Therefore, you are not among those murderers. Is that not a benefit? When you come here to attend Dharma lectures, you will not be found among thieves and burglars. If you don’t listen to lectures, you may get involved in theft, robbery, or even arson. Now that you study Buddhadharma, you are free from all these crimes. Wouldn’t you say that’s a benefit?

你現在學習佛法,身就不會去犯婬業,不會到外面去行婬欲。你沒有這種行為,在姦殺的罪犯裡又沒有你這 一份了。你做很多正當的事,這個罪犯裡你又沒有份了,這豈不是好處呢?你在這兒學佛法不會去打妄語,不會去外面欺騙人,那麼打妄語的罪犯裡又沒有你了,你 這就是口業清淨了。你再不喝酒,不抽菸,不吸毒,不吃種種迷魂藥了,你的意業也會清淨了,就會不貪,不瞋,不癡,因為你不吃那些迷人的東西,所以吸毒罪犯 裡面你也沒有一份了。

When learning Buddhadharma, you do not get involved in sexual misconduct. so you won’t commit crimes such as rape. You do many proper things so you will be free from all crimes. Isn’t that a benefit? When you study Buddhadharma, you won’t tell lies or go around cheating people. Then, you won’t commit the offense of lying. That is purifying your mouth karma. If you can go further to refrain from drinking, smoking, and taking drugs, then your mind karma would be purified too. Since you don’t consume those intoxicants, you wouldn’t be in the company of drug criminals either.


If purifying the three karmas is not a benefit of learning Buddhism, then what is it? If you don’t study the Buddhadharma, you may kill, or steal, or get involved in arson. Then the police will catch you and put you behind the bars, perhaps for life. Wouldn’t that be miserable? Since you are studying Buddhadharma, you are free from all these problems. If that is not a benefit, what is it then? Therefore, we should not grow weary of studying the Buddhadharma.
第1頁:不要錯過受五戒的機會 第2頁:什麼叫「居士」?
第3頁:什麼叫「五戒」? 第4頁:什麼叫「十善」?
第5頁:什麼叫「綺語」? 第6頁:十善是什麼?
第7頁:必須向出家人求戒 第8頁:佛教徒要守持的根本戒律
第9頁:可不可以抽菸? 第10頁:受五戒的重要性
第11頁:學佛法沒有什麼利益? 第12頁:不受戒是真「自由」嗎?
第13頁:破戒怎麼辦? 第14頁:老修行的故事
第15頁:文殊菩薩的寶珠 第16頁:不要做自己的辯護律師
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