為什麼要受持五戒?(中英對照) 宣化上人著
2010-7-28 23:56:15

◎ 不要錯過受五戒的機會

◎ Don't miss the chance to receive the five precepts


People who receive the five precepts, or the eight precepts, are called “Upasaka” (for men) or “Upasika” (for women). If they take the Bodhisattva precepts then they are called Bodhisattvas of initial resolve, because they are making a commitment to uphold the Bodhisattva precepts and follow the Bodhisattva path. Left-home people receive and uphold the Bodhisattva precepts. But since Bodhisattvas of initial resolve are people who wish to learn how to benefit both themselves and others, lay people, too, can receive lay Bodhisattva precepts.


In Buddhism, receiving and upholding precepts is very important. When there is an opportunity to do so, people should not miss the opportunity.


A person can receive one precept, two precepts, three precepts, four precepts, or five precepts. He can also receive eight precepts but he is not eligible to receive the ten precepts, as those are reserved for shramaneras (novice monks) and shramanerikas (novice nuns). But you can take Bodhisattva precepts, the ten major and forty-eight minor precepts.


Receiving one precept is called taking “a minimum share of the precepts,”
Receiving two precepts is called taking “a half share of the precepts,”
Receiving three precepts is called taking “a majority share of the precepts,”
Receiving five precepts is called taking “a full share of the precepts.”


If someone has a problem with receiving the precept of not killing beings, then that person can refrain from receiving that precept and can receive the precept of not stealing. If someone likes to drink, like my wine-drinking disciple who didn’t want to take the precept prohibiting the consuming of intoxicants, then that person can refrain from receiving the precept prohibiting the consumption of intoxicants, but can receive the others.

Someone may say, “I like to boast. I cannot receive the precept against lying.” Well, that person can receive the other four precepts.

Another person may say, “I cannot promise not to kill. Sometimes, unintentionally, I m

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